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DPF, TPA condemns and denounces arrest of Rishad

(UTV | COLOMBO) – The Democratic People’s Front (DPF) and the Tamil Progressive Alliance (TPA) have condemned and denounced the arrests by the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of Parliamentarian Rishad Bathiudeen and Riyaj Bathiudeen.

Expressing their grave concern, DPF and TPA Leader Mano Ganesan said that the matter has been discussed with the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament Sajith Premadasa and the affiliated parties of the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) will convene tomorrow (27) to decide on the course of action.

The former Minister and his brother were arrested early Saturday morning (24) by the CID.

Police Spokesperson, Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Ajith Rohana said that they were arrested at their respective residences under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) over allegations of aiding and abetting the suicide bombers of the Easter attack.

DIG Rohana said that they are currently being questioned in this regard by the CID and allowed to be detained for 72-hours.

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