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Cristiano Ronaldo charged by Uefa over celebration

(UTV|COLOMBO) –  Juventus forward Cristiano Ronaldo has been charged with improper conduct by Uefa for a goal celebration in the win over Atletico Madrid in the last 16 of the Champions League.

The 34-year-old appeared to mimic Atletico boss Diego Simeone, who turned to fans and grabbed his crotch during his side’s 2-0 first-leg victory.

Ronaldo made the gesture after his third goal of his hat-trick in the return leg as Juventus won 3-0.

Uefa will rule on the case on 21 March.

Simeone was fined 20,000 euros (£17,000) for his celebration.

Juventus have been drawn to play Dutch side Ajax in the quarter-finals.

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