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Duminy to retire from ODIs after World Cup

(UTV|COLOMBO) – JP Duminy will play his final ODI in South Africa against Sri Lanka on Saturday after announcing that he will retire from the format after the World Cup in England later this year. He will continue to be available for T20 internationals.

Duminy, who announced his retirement from Test and first-class cricket in 2017 to put more focus on his white-ball game, feels “the time is right” to close this chapter of his international career.

Saturday’s match will be a fitting farewell for a respected player in front of the avid local fans at a place he calls home – Duminy was born in Cape Town and has played all of his domestic cricket for teams based in this province. The game will be Duminy’s 194th in this format for South Africa in an international career that started in 2004, when he made his ODI debut against Sri Lanka in Colombo.

“The last few months on the sidelines have given me an opportunity to re-assess my career going forward and to plot some goals I’d like to achieve in the future,” Duminy said. “While a decision like this is never easy, I also feel that it is the right time for me to pass on the baton. I will still be available to play international and domestic T20 cricket, but would also like to invest more time towards my growing family, who are my number one priority.

“I have been privileged to live out my dream playing a sport I love, and I am forever grateful for the support I have received from my team-mates, coaches, family, friends and fans throughout the years.”

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