NATIONALNormalcy hasn’t returned in the country-VijithaeditorJune 3, 2020 by editorJune 3, 2020078 (UTV | COLOMBO) – The JVP says the country has not returned to normalcy from the coronavirus pandemic. Speaking during a media briefing in Colombo...
Coronavirus OutbreakNATIONALSL to return to normalcy only after all COVID-19 clusters deactivatededitorMay 21, 2020 by editorMay 21, 2020070 (UTV | COLOMBO) – Several rounds of discussions are presently underway as to when the indefinite curfew will be relaxed in Colombo and Gampaha, and...
NATIONALSet of guidelines issued on restoring normalcy in civilian lifeeditorMay 11, 2020 by editorMay 11, 2020078 (UTV | COLOMBO) – Police has issued a set of guidelines to be followed by the people on restoring normalcy in civilian life while the...
Uncategorized“Restore normalcy and not an opportune time for NCM” – Dayasiri JayasekaraeditorMay 22, 2019 by editorMay 22, 2019071 (UTV|COLOMBO) – The need of the hour was not to bring ‘No confidence Motions’ (NCMs) but to restore normalcy, law and order and inter faith harmony...
Uncategorized‘Govt. must bring normalcy again’ – Wijepala HettiarachchieditorMay 10, 2019 by editorMay 10, 2019076 (UTV|COLOMBO) – United National Party (UNP) Parliamentarian Wijepala Hettiarachchi says the government has a major role in bringing back normalcy to people’s livelihoods, following the Easter...