Court fixes writ application by Gihan Pilapitiya for May

The writ petition filed by interdicted judge Gihan Pilapitiya at the Court of Appeal requesting it to issue an interim injunction order preventing his arrest was fixed for consideration on 04 May.

The decision was announced when the case was taken up for hearing before President of Appeals Court, Justice A.H.M.D. Nawaz and Justice Sobhitha Rajakaruna today.

President’s Counsel Romesh de Silva representing Pilapitiya requested the court to extend the order issued earlier preventing the arrest of his client without a court order.

In response, representing the Attorney General, Deputy Solicitor General Milinda Gunatilake, raised objections to the request, stating the Police have obtained another order in this regard.

However, the Judge bench decided that the order issued earlier preventing the arrest of Gihan Pilapitiya will be in effect until the next hearing.

Embilipitiya High Court Judge Gihan Pilapitiya was interdicted in January 2020.

He was interdicted over the controversial telephone conversation he had with United National Party (UNP) Parliamentarian Ranjan Ramanayake.

Summons were issued on interdicted judge Gihan Pilapitiya last month to appear before the Nugegoda Magistrate’s Court on 02 April.

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