INTERNATIONALSeattle to end police-free protest zone after shootingseditorJune 23, 2020 by editorJune 23, 2020086 (UTV | COLOMBO) – Seattle’s mayor has said the city plans to take back a district that is being occupied by armed protesters, after three...
INTERNATIONALNorth Korea threatens to send army into demilitarised border zoneeditorJune 16, 2020 by editorJune 16, 2020080 (UTV | COLOMBO) – North Korea’s army has warned it is ready to enter the demilitarised zone dividing the two Koreas. The threat is partly...
UncategorizedNever asked Sri Lanka to allow only Chinese companies in Hambanthota Industrial Zone – ChinaStaff WriterJanuary 27, 2017 by Staff WriterJanuary 27, 2017073 (UDHAYAM, CHINA) – China has never asked Sri Lanka to allow only Chinese enterprises to operate inside the Hambantota Industrial Zone, China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson...