INTERNATIONALMalay Parliament reconvenes, COVID-19 bill may be tablededitorJuly 13, 2020 by editorJuly 13, 2020082 UTV | COLOMBO – Malaysia’s lower house of Parliament reconvened on Monday for its third session of the year as the government led by Prime...
NATIONAL‘General Election may be held by end August’editorJune 5, 2020 by editorJune 5, 2020080 (UTV | COLOMBO) – Senior Attorney Lal Wijenayake says he believes that the General Election will be held by the end of August, considering the...
NATIONAL‘Curfew may be re-imposed if public are negligent’editorMay 29, 2020 by editorMay 29, 2020076 (UTV | COLOMBO) – The Government Medical Officers Association says curfew will have to be imposed across the island if coronavirus spreads in communities due...
NATIONALSchools may be open 7 days a week: MinistryeditorMay 13, 2020 by editorMay 13, 2020071 (UTV | COLOMBO) – The Education Ministry is focussing on keeping schools open all seven days of the week to catch up with the lost...