NATIONAL281kg of Kerala marijuana found in seas off JaffnaeditorMarch 3, 2020 by editorMarch 3, 20200120 (UTV|COLOMBO) – The Sri Lanka Navy has discovered 281kg of Kerala marijuana in seas off Jaffna. Navy in a statement said during a patrol carried...
UncategorizedTwo arrested with over 22kg of marijuanaeditorFebruary 24, 2017 by editorFebruary 24, 2017093 (UDHAYAM, COLOMBO) – Two suspects were arrested with 22.80kg of marijuana in Palei area this morning (24th Friday). Police said the man was transporting marijuana...
Uncategorized155kg of Kerala Marijuana seizededitorFebruary 24, 2017 by editorFebruary 24, 2017088 (UDHAYAM, COLOMBO) – The Navy has arrested 5 individuals along the northern coastal line for the possession of 155 kg of Kerala Marijuana. The Navy...