
Seat belts, Air Bags compulsory on vehicles from July 1

(UTV|COLOMBO) – The Ministry of Finance and Mass Media having considered the representations made by motor vehicle importers and manufacturers for a lead time to make required adjustments to comply with the proposed emission standards and safety measures, has decided to postpone the implementation of the budget proposal on introduction of emission standards and safety measures from 1st July, 2018.

Accordingly, a press release issued by the ministry this morning says that the importation of motor vehicles, which are below emission standards of the Euro IV or its equivalent and not compiled with the following safety standards, will totally be prohibited effective from 1st July, 2018.

The vehicles which do not carry Air bags for driver and front seat passenger, Anti-Locking Breaking System Standards (ABS) and three – point seat belts for driver and passengers travelling front and rear seats, except the middle seat will not be allowed to be imported in to the country.

As this rescheduling of the implementation is made based on the industry representations, the dealers, importers and manufacturers are strictly advised to refrain from establishing any Letter of Credit for import of motors vehicles, which will not comply with the specified standards and safety standards with an estimated arrival date after 1st July, 2018.

Further details on the implementation of the new standards for vehicles, including the types of vehicles will be notified by the respective implementation agencies shortly.

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