
India offers scholarships to Sri Lankan students for higher education in India

(UTV|COLOMBO) – India’s High Commission in Colombo has announced 175 undergraduate and post- graduate scholarships for meritorious Sri Lankan students to study in India under the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) scholarship scheme.

The ICCR scholarships will be offered for studies at various Indian Universities for 2018-19 academic session.

The Nehru Memorial Scholarship Scheme will offer 100 slots covering all Undergraduate courses (except Medicine) including Engineering, Science, Business, Economics, Commerce, Humanities and Arts (including Classical Music, Classical Dance and Visual Arts).

Maulana Azad Scholarship Scheme offers 50 scholarships for Masters Degrees courses including Engineering, Science, Economics, Commerce, Humanities and Arts. However, preference would be given to the fields of Engineering, Science and Agriculture.

Rajiv Gandhi Scholarship Scheme offers 25 slots for Undergraduate courses in the field of IT/B.E/B.Tech.

The Government of India selects meritorious Sri Lankan nationals for award of these scholarships. Selection of candidates is done in consultation with the Ministry of Higher Education & Highways, Government of Sri Lanka, to pursue undergraduate and postgraduate Degrees in some of the topmost Universities and Institutions in India.

All scholarships cover full tuition fees for the entire duration of the course, monthly sustenance allowance, and annual grant for books and stationery. The selected candidates would also be provided hostel facility inside the campus. Besides, all ICCR scholars in India are provided full healthcare facilities, air fare to the nearest destination in India and an annual grant for educational tours to various parts of the country, apart from several other auxiliary benefits.

The eligible candidates can download the application forms from the website of Ministry of Higher Education & Highways at www.mohe.gov.lk. The last date for submission of duly filled up application forms of selected candidates for Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses at the High Commission is 15th January, 2018.

Prospective students are advised to approach the Ministry of Higher Education & Highways to learn more about the eligibility criteria and selection procedure. Interested candidates can also direct their queries to the High Commission of India or visit High Commission’s website for further details on the scholarships.

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