
Sri Lankan maid in Kuwait faces charges of manslaughter

(UDHAYAM, KUWAIT) – A Sri Lankan domestic worker in Kuwait faces charges of manslaughter and abortion after she accidentally killed her new-born during delivery, the Kuwait Times reported.

According to a Police report, the Sri Lankan woman went into labour inside her Jordanian sponsor’s house, then locked herself up inside a room and attempted to deliver the baby on her own.

She has tried to pull the baby but ended up accidentally decapitating it and then screamed for help. The sponsor rushed to see what happened and has called for emergency services immediately.

Paramedics rushed the woman to the Mubarak Hospital while the Police filed a case for investigations.

Detectives investigating the case suspect the maid got pregnant out of wedlock, so she decided against seeking help to deliver her baby out of fear of prosecution.

The maid’s sponsor confirmed to police that she was not married.

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