Cybercrime has been on the rise in recent years

(UTV | MONGOLIA) – The number of cybercrimes increased in Mongolia for the third consecutive year, with 976 cybercrimes recorded in 2016, 659 in 2018, and 776 crimes in the first half of 2021, an increase of 79% from 2015. 27.4 billion MNT (about 9.5 million US dollars), as a result of cybercrime in the past four years.

Specialists in the Mongolian Criminal Police Department explained that cybercrime is on the rise, as 3,635 fraud incidents were reported in the first eight months of 2021, an increase of 12.1%.

Information technology specialists attribute the rise in the number of cybercrimes in the country to the lack of a legislative framework for cyber security within the government system in Mongolia.

Source: A24 News Agency

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