Beware of fake gift scams on phone apps – ITSSL

(UTV | COLOMBO) – The Information Technology Society of Sri Lanka (ITSSL) warned users when sharing and clicking messages being shared through social chat platforms on offering free gifts by renowned companies, that is a scam.

The ITSSL has observed an increase in this trend recently and advised to avoid clicking and forwarding them as it could expose both the forwarder and the receiver to similar risks such as privacy issues and cyber-attacks. Further, it is possible to install unwanted mobile applications in the phones paving the way for the hackers to get into the users’ personal details.

Message that said world-renowned companies celebrating their anniversaries are giving away gifts to customers. The message also has a link to a fake website, which finally asks the users to share the message to five groups or 20 friends on WhatsApp until a Blue bar on the screen is full to claim the prize won.

“Users are warned that this is a totally fake and fraudulent method to trick citizens into online scams. No company big or small is likely to run such schemes or offer free gifts to its customers”, the ITSSL further added.

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