Divulapitiya-Peliyagoda cluster exceeds 12,000

(UTV | COLOMBO) – Sri Lanka’s largest COVID 19 cluster in Divulapitiya-Peliyagoda has surpassed 12,000 mark yesterday with 227 more persons tested positive, health officials said.

All new cases are contacts of previously infected persons.

With the latest addition to the total, Divulapitiya-Peliyagoda cluster is now stands at 12,227.

Meanwhile, two COVID deaths have been reported in the country yesterday (12), increasing the death toll to 48.

In the past few days, the highest number of COVID deaths have been reported from the Colombo District and a majority has died at home due to complications caused by various chronic diseases.

37 deaths have been reported in 45 days in Sri Lanka, while 17 deaths have been reported in the seven days since last Friday (06).

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