“Youm-e-Istehsal” Event held to mark one year of military siege in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK)

UTV | COLOMBO – The Pakistan High Commission organized an event under the theme of “Youm-e-Istehsal”, to mark one year of Indian military siege of the Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK), at the Pakistan High Commission in Colombo on 3rd August, 2020.

In his remarks, the Acting High Commissioner of Pakistan, Mr. Tanvir Ahmad, highlighted that the fascist Modi-led, Indian government attempted to change the internationally-recognized disputed status of IIOJK on 05th August, 2019, by abrogating articles 370 and 35A of its constitution, thereby not only violating the UNSC resolutions but its very own constitution by depriving the territory of IIOJK of its special status. In the lead-up to the move, the Indian government deployed thousands of additional troops to the disputed region, imposed a crippling curfew cutting off access to essential services, arrested political leaders and shut down all forms of communication; which have resulted in one of the greatest humanitarian crises the world has ever witnessed.

The Acting High Commissioner emphasized that this unilateral act by the Indian Government has defied Kashmiris’ aspirations and has planted the seeds for greater resistance in the IIOJK. He re-affirmed the continued moral, political and diplomatic commitment of the government and people of Pakistan for the Kashmir cause and assured that Pakistan will always remain the voice of conscience in the world for the rights of its Kashmiri brothers and sisters. He underscored that the world is slowly recognizing the Indian government’s atrocities and oppression of the Kashmiri people and the day is not far when they will attain their right to self-determination.

The event was also addressed by Mr. Mohamed Jamaludeen, Chairman Kashmir Study Forum, who paid homage to the Kashmiri people for their historical struggle for the right of self-determination and decried the human rights violations committed by the Indian armed forces for over seven decades. He underscored that India should honour and implement the UNSC resolutions as protected by its own constitution and rescind its unilateral actions in the IIOJK after the abrogation of Articles 370 and 35A, since 05th August, 2019.

The event was well-attended by members of the Pakistani diaspora in Colombo, journalists and friends of the Kashmir cause in the local community.



03 August, 2020

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