Coronavirus OutbreakNATIONAL

Govt aims at total relaxation of curfew by next month

(UTV | Covid – 19) – The government aims at total relaxation of the curfew restrictions imposed in view of the COVID-19 outbreak by next month , a Minister said yesterday.

The government will partially relax such curbs on public life on May 11. Basic guidelines are now being worked out for people to follow when carrying out their routine activities, despite the corona situation, once such restrictions are lifted partially on May 11.

A minister said the government was targeting the total lifting of all restrictions by early June depending on the progress after May 11.

The government imposed curfew restrictions in March after the corona cases escalated .The first Sri Lankan national infected with the disease was reported on March 11. As of today, there were 835 cases with a bulk of them being sailors attached to the Welisara navy base.

Most countries ,hit by the corona crisis , are now planning to open up for economic activities

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