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Akila Dananjaya banned from bowling for 1-year

(UTV|COLOMBO) – The International Cricket Council (ICC) today (19) announced that Sri Lanka spinner Akila Dananjaya has been banned from bowling in international cricket for 12-months following an independent assessment of his action.

The 25-year-old was assessed after the legality of his bowling action came under question by Match Officials in the first Test against New Zealand in Galle from 14 – 18 August. He subsequently underwent the independent assessment in Chennai on 29 August, which revealed that he employed an illegal bowling action.

Dananjaya was originally suspended from bowling in December, 2018. Following remedial work on his bowling action, he was reassessed and permitted to resume bowling in February, 2019.

As the latest report constitutes the player’s 2nd report within a 2-year period, the first of which led to a suspension, he is automatically suspended from bowling in international cricket for a period of 12-months. Dananjaya will be entitled to approach the ICC for a re-assessment of his bowling action after the expiry of this 1-year period.

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