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“UNP candidate should have support of broad social coalition” – Prime Minister

(UTV|COLOMBO) – The UNP presidential candidate cannot win the election with the support of the UNP vote base alone, but will definitely need the support of all other friendly forces in order to win, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has told a group of civil society representatives supportive of the main government party.

“I have told those intending to obtain presidential candidacy from the UNP to come up with a winning formula. We cannot win with the support of the UNP vote base alone. Therefore, a broad programme is required to gain the support of the broader coalition and in order to get their support the candidate needs to come up with a proper workable plan.

We will consider all these aspects and the UNP Working Committee will name the presidential candidate,” the Prime Minister told the civil society representatives, including trade union leaders, at a meeting in Temple Trees yesterday.

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