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Premier reschedule Presidential Commission summons

(UTV|COLOMBO) – The date for Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe appearance before the Presidential Commission of inquiry into serious acts of Fraud, Corruption and Abuse of Power, State Resources and Privileges, has been rescheduled for 16 September.

Accordingly, the Prime Minister will appear before the Presidential Commission next Monday at 9.30 AM.

The rescheduling was done upon a written communication by the Prime Minister’s Office which informed the Presidential Commission that the Premier was to participate in a pre-scheduled event in Mannar today (12).

The Presidential Commission on Tuesday (10) issued summons on Prime Minister Wickremesinghe to appear before the Commission today to obtain a statement about the lease of the D. P. A. Jayasinghe Building which houses the Ministry of Agriculture.

The Presidential Commission is also to obtain a statement from the Prime Minister about the Cabinet Paper he submitted on 21 September 2015, to take over the “Govijana Mandiraya” building, which housed the Agriculture Ministry, for Parliamentary Committees.

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