
Arrest warrant on Uduwe Dhammaloka Thera

(UDHAYAM, COLOMBO) – An arrest warrant was today issued on Ven. Uduwe Dhammaloka Thera as he was not present in court when a noise pollution case filed against him for the high level of noise emanating between 5.00 a.m. and 6.00 a.m. from the loudspeakers of the Alan Mathiniyaramaya Temple in Polhengoda was taken up for hearing.

A complaint was filed in Colombo Chief Magistrate’s Court earlier by four residents of the area complaining about the high level noise pollution suffered by those living in the vicinity of the temple.

The case was taken up for hearing by Colombo Additional Magistrate Dulani Amarasinghe.

He is said to have travelled abroad with permission of the High Court in connection with another case. The case was put off for April 5.

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