
Refrain from sharing baseless information on social media

(UTV|COLOMBO) – The Secretary of Defence, General (Retired) Shantha Kottegoda urged the public to approach the Security Authorities immediately on any information related to a security threat without sharing it on social media platforms.

Kottegoda while referring to several incidents where the public had used social media to spread information related to security, stated such news which are not based on any solid facts can only lead to disruption of public life.

The Government of Sri Lankan on Monday (13) re-imposed a ban on social media platforms in an effort to stop the spread of rumours after clash erupted between groups of civilians in Bingiriya, Chilaw, Dummalasuriya, and Kuliyapitiya yesterday (12).

Police imposed a curfew in the area with immediate effect until 6.00 AM to control the dispute that began on Facebook, turned violent.

Mobs threw stones at Mosques and Muslim-owned stores after residents believed a posting on the social media site was a threat.

The Police said the individual that responsible for the Facebook post had been arrested.

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